Introduction: How to Make the Perfect (sugar Free) Egyptian Honey Cake
Hi there; the name's Joshua and as a little boy I was allergenic to many thing in my life, sometimes I was made fun of it. So I made something that not only I can have, but is very healthy(P.S. I also really like Ancient Egypt ;)
Step 1: Ingredients
If you have any chance of doing good in this pastry, you need to follow the steps by the word ( but I believe in you :p )
You will need:
- 1 1/2 cups of flour
- 1/2 tsp of salt
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 4 tbsp of olive oil ( the original uses butter )
- 1 cup of honey
- 3 tbsp of milk ( dairy free works too )
- cinnamon
- a bowl
- whisk
- wooden spoon
- flowered surface
- baking tray
Step 2: Making It
- First off, lets mixing the flower, salt , and baking powder in the bowl that you have
- with the whisk , mix the olive oil into the mix. It should look very much like