Introduction: How to Write in Cursive Part 1

About: I love creating things! Whatever, however you can suggest things that I MIGHT make but it has to be art (painting, drawing etc). or cooking cakes!

Have you got a new teacher who makes you hand your homework in cursive style? Well follow this guide to making you have at least partial credit for your cursive

Step 1: Capital Letters

Capital Letters never connect to the other letters in the word. Capital letters do not have any cursive touch to them. They just look like they do in normal printed writing

Step 2: E, G, J, C, O, P, S, V, X, B

The letters above don't have any cursive touch to them in lower case. They stay the same.

Step 3: A, D, F

Cursive A's in lowercase have a curve at the end.

Cursive D's in lowercase have a curve at the end.

Cursive F's have a big curve at the first line at the top.

Step 4: More Tips Coming Soon!