Introduction: Installing the Wolfram Language and Mathematica on Your Raspberry Pi (Author: Alex Newman)

Mathematica and The Wolfram Language are now available from ours and the Raspberry Pi foundation's software repositories for the default Raspbian Linux distribution for the Pi. If you're running a Raspbian image provided by the Raspberry Pi foundation, you can now install the software with the following steps:

Step 1:

Ensure that you have at least 600 megabytes of free storage on your Raspberry Pi's SD card. The package itself will take up 429 megabytes of disk space when installed.

Step 2:

Type in the console:

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wolfram-engine

Step 3:

Agree to the licensing terms displayed (Use tab to move between fields in the license window. You will only need to do this once).

Step 4:

Wait for the installation to complete.

Step 5: Done!

You should now find Mathematica and the Wolfram Language installed on the LXDE desktop under the Education menu and the Wolfram Language under the Programming menu.

In order to start the application from the Linux command line, type:

$ wolfram

To start Mathematica, type:

$ mathematica