Introduction: Introduction to Seesaw

Seesaw is a district approved resource that Eagle Mountain Saginaw teachers can use in their classrooms to increase student engagement and accountability. Students get to create their own digital portfolio which they will love creating, and teachers will love seeing!


Teachers will need computers/mobile devices in order to access their seesaw accounts and create activities.

All your students will need to access Seesaw is a mobile device, or computer.

Step 1: Login to Seesaw

On the login screen, teachers will select "I'm a Teacher" to sign in to their account. If you do not have to Seesaw account you can create one.

Step 2: Create Your Class(es)

The top left hand side of the screen you will see your name. Click on your name and a drop down menu will appear. You will click "Create New Class." If you have more than one class, just repeat "Create New Class."

Step 3: Entering Class Information

Once you have created a new class, a box will appear in the middle of the screen that says "Create Your Class." You will give your class a name, and select grade level, then select green check mark at the top of the box. You will then be taken to your class page.

Step 4: Navigating Your Class Page

When you first create a class it will pop up with a video, "See How Seesaw Empowers Students To Demonstrate Learning." Once you have finished watching the video, you will want to add students.

Step 5: Adding Students to Your Class

Go to the bottom right hand corner of the screen where you will see a circle with a plus in it next to the word "Students". Click there to add your students. It will pop up with a box asking if you want to sign students up with email or google accounts. Then it will ask if students are on shared devices or 1:1 device. Then it will ask you for your student names. You can also go back later to add more students.Click green check when you are ready to move on.

Step 6: Getting Students Signed In

You will have to distribute Seesaw QR codes for students to sign in. You can print a poster that students can go up to to scan in order to log in to Seesaw.

Step 7: Adding Family Access

Next to the + "Students", you will see the circle with pplus in the middle and the word "Families." You will have to grant families access so their can see their student's collection of work. This also is a good messaging system for parent and teacher communication.

Step 8: Posting Student Work

You can go to the top of the screen where you see a green circle with a white plus in it with the word "add." If you click on "Posting Student Work" several options will appear. (Photo, Drawing, Video, Upload, Note, Link) These are all different options to post work.

Step 9: Assign Activity

When you click the green circle with the white plus, and select Assign Activity, an activity will be assigned to all of your students in the class.

Step 10: Sending Announcements or Messages

If you select "Send Announcement" a box will pop up that will allow you to send an announcement to your students. You can also add attachments to your announcements.

If you go over to your Inbox, you will be able to see messages you have sent to stdents or parents, and message they have sent to you.

Step 11: Posting Work and Class Settings

When Students post work, you will have to approve the work before it ges to their portfolio unless you have modified settings. If you go to the "tool" in the top right hand corner, it will open you class settings. You will have the ability to enable family access, new items require approval, whether students can see each other's work, and other settings you will want to check before students use the application.