Introduction: IoT DevKit (All-in-one) - ORB1T V19.0 ALPHA

About: I design electronic stuff...

What is OBJEX?

OBJEX is an "startup" maybe (I don't know, it's early to say).
Currently, it's a set of experimental IoT projects. Every project has a different name, for example, ORB1T. The goal of OBJEX is to develop IoT systems/devices.

Elevator pitch

ORB1T V19.0 is designed for those who develop IoT projects. This development board includes all sensors and base parts, no soldering needed.

IoT with ORB1T V19.0
Many IoT (All-in-one) development boards do not allow isolating sensors from the circuit.

With this board, you have easy access to sensors, you can isolate them, you can add another microcontroller. Remember, this is a prototype/concept. My next goal is to increase the functionality of ORB1T.

ORB1T V19.0 allows you to control individual sensors also using external microcontrollers. I2C bus and power bus can be used freely by the user.

Database ready to use

  • Firebaseis perfect for sync app data in milliseconds
  • Redis is an in-memory data structure project implementing a distributed
  • MySqlis an open-source relational database management system

Step 1: What Is It?

ORB1T V19.0 is designed for those who develop IoT projects. This development board includes all sensors and base parts, no soldering needed.
I decided to make ORB1T V19.0 to improve the development of my IoT projects. Usually, I have to use multiple modules creating a tangle of cables.

Step 2: Why I Made This?

I made ORB1T V19 for my IoT projects because the Arduino UNO and other similar platforms are not ready for IoT applications. So in December 2019, I Designed ORB1T V19 in only 2 weeks.

ORB1T V19 is the perfect solution for your IoT projects because of you have microcontroller/wifi connection and sensors in a single board.

Step 3: Timelaps

In this video, I show you how I developed my development board for IoT systems (its name is ORB1T V19.0 ALPHA).

Step 4: Features

  • ESP12E (Microcontroller with WiFi Module)
  • USB-C and microUSB-B
  • CP2104 (USB-to-UART Bridge Controller)
  • BME280 (Atmospheric pressure, altitude, humidity and temperature)
  • APDS9960 (Proximity, Light, RGB and Gesture Sensor)
  • MPU-6050 (Triple Axis Accelerometer and Gyro)
  • AMS1117-3.3 (Voltage regulator)
  • SMART power/data BUS (Management of each component - power/data)

Step 5: Sensors Test

Step 6: ORB1T V19.0 With Firebase

PCB Design Challenge

Participated in the
PCB Design Challenge