Introduction: Italian Mozzarella Meatballs With Peppers Recipe



500g minced meat

200g mini mozzarella balls

a half cup breadcrumbs

1 egg

3 spoons flour


salt, pepper, paprika, basil & oregano

Step 1: Spice the Meat and Form Stuffed Meatballs

Add the egg to the meat sprinkle salt. pepper, paprika, basil & oregano to it. Give the breadcrumbs to it and stir everything together. Form small patties place a mini mozzarella ball on it cover it with another pattie and form it into a small meat ball. Place them on the plate and put it in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees celsius circulating air.

Step 2: Peppers and Finish

Put the peppers in a bowl give a few spoons oil to it. Now sprinkle salt, pepper and 3 spoons flour over it then cover the bowl and shake it. Place the peppers on the plate and put them for another 20 minutes in the oven to finish them.

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