Introduction: Itty-Bitty-Teeny-Tiny-Faux-Cones

About: ...after 30 years of becoming corporately numb, my dreams of not working (for pay) and instead creating with my hands has become a reality. Life is grand!
QUESTION:  What is a fun, easy treat that...
  • ...travels well?
  • ...has the possibility of offering 12 seconds of entertainment to a kid's lunch bag?
  • appreciated at any potluck?
ANSWER:  Why none other than the... (cue for exciting music) ...I-B-T-T-F-C!!!  

As the kids play with this yummylishous goodie, adults can snack away without anyone knowing how many they've consumed (especially since calories don't count while standing around).

Step 1: Just a Few Items Required...

  • Leftover frosted cake, or if you prefer...make a cake and frost it 
  • Mini ice cream cups
  • Candy Melts
  • Sprinkles
  • M&Ms (optional)

Step 2: Mix It Up...

Place the frosted cake in a bowl and using your (clean!) hands, combine the frosting and cake until you can form a smooth dough ball.

Step 3: Stuff It...

Pinch a piece of the dough and place it in the mini cone.

Using the palm of your hands, roll another piece of dough into a ball and secure it on top of the cone.

Chill approximately 1/2 hour, or until the top dough ball is firmly set on the stuffed cone when turned on it's side.

Step 4: Dip It...

Following manufacturer's directions, heat the candy melts until smooth.

Dip the chilled cones into heated candy melts and add candy sprinkles.  (I like to place a M&M on top)

Let cool and enjoy!