Introduction: Joining & Soldering Dissimilar Wire Inline - Trick
I was installing an auxiliary power socket and LED driving and spotlights on my BMW R1150GS. I ran a 10 gauge silicon wire from the Battery and I wanted to place blade fuse inline where I could access it easily should the fuse blow.
Step 1: Pushing the Wires Together
Problem was the fuse holder and silicon wire types are different. I want it inline so the couldn't be a bump else it would eventually rub through on dirt roads I ride. How to get Around this issue? Mmm....
My solution was to push the two dissimilar wires into each end into end. I tried to wind them but that didn't work 100%
My solution was to push the two dissimilar wires into each end into end. I tried to wind them but that didn't work 100%
Step 2:
Problem now was how to hold them together will soldering them. Then a simple light bulb moment, a cable/zip tie.
I placed a piece of heat shrink over the thicker silicon wire, as the heat shrink will shrink during soldering due to the joint being so close.
I used the holding power of a zip/cable tie to effectively hold the wire together and as a bonus it's joint is perfectly round
Step 3: Soldering the Joint
I soldered the two together, cut the cable tie off and bingo, perfect inline join.
I cleaned off the excess strands where I pushed the together and pulled the heat shrink the joint.
I cleaned off the excess strands where I pushed the together and pulled the heat shrink the joint.
Step 4: Finishing Off
lastly I shrank the heat shrink over the joint.
Job done, simple and effective...
And this is my first Ible on the mobile app... interesting
Job done, simple and effective...
And this is my first Ible on the mobile app... interesting