Introduction: D4E1 Juggle Tube

Since twisting the ring around your arm can hurt, we looked for a tool that avoids this problem. She is easy and pleasant to use, as there are handles and the bow prevents the ring from touching your body. 


  • multilayer tube (easier to bend)
  • two handles 
  • one inner tube 
  • juggling ring(s)

You can buy the two handles, the inner tube and the jiggle ring in the Decathlon. The tube is easy to find online or in a DIY shop like Brico.

Step 1: Cut 1 Meter of the Tube With the Saw

Afterwards, sand the tube if necessary.

Step 2: Cut the Tire With the Scissors

1 piece 45 cm and 2 pieces of 13 cm or the handle lenght.

Step 3: Pull the Bicycle Tyre Over the Middle of the Tube

Insert the 45 cm piece halfway. You can use an air gun to make it easier.

Step 4: The Sides

Insert both 13 cm pieces on the sides of the tube.

Step 5: The Handles

Slide the handles over the ends of the tube.

Step 6: Bending

Bend the tube according to preference. Ready to use!