Introduction: K'nex Gun
This is my first instructable, it's not that great, but I tried my best. I've been working on it for about a week now. It has two different firing modes, but three ways to load it, and I'm working on a fourth where a magazine that feeds the ammo into the gun attaches to the barrel (and is detachable). If any one can help me with the design to make it better, please leave me a comment.
Step 1: Build Main Parts
this is the barrel
Step 2: Build Parts
build parts
Step 3: Assemble Parts
this is where you will assemble the previous parts
Step 4: Make the Trigger and Handle
here we'll construct the trigger and handle
Step 5: Add These Parts
self explanetory
Step 6: Extras
make the big rubber band mount.
Step 7: Reloading
there are three ways to reload the gun
1. slide it down the barrel. this is not recommended, because the ammo might slide all the way through(see picture).
2. open the barrel and slide in the ammo(see picture).
3. fill the barrel with four shots and shoot 4 times(see picture).
1. slide it down the barrel. this is not recommended, because the ammo might slide all the way through(see picture).
2. open the barrel and slide in the ammo(see picture).
3. fill the barrel with four shots and shoot 4 times(see picture).