Introduction: KNEX ICP-MAG

About: Live in England, Play on ps4, (Miniboom1357) love my guitars! and, of course K'nex guns. Wanna see me play guitar, you tube 'Joe Sharpe,' see what you think!

Hello guys, today I'm bringing you a little instructable the ICP-MAG (Internal Cog Pusher.) It was made because 'Jaredb1' asked me for internals on the mag I used in my CCR, before I started instructables I often used the mag, so I thought I'd make an instructable on it.

It is a solid reliable mag, and you can mod it for any other purposes than what it was built for, so without further a do...

Step 1: STEP 1:

The white broken rods are needed, but only 2.

Make sure the rods are lined up exactly.

Step 2: STEP 2:

make one of each of these.

Step 3: STEP 3:

Simply slide the pieces from the previous step into the rods, make sure they are lined up correctly.

Then slide the pusher in, (first pic) on the only space left, check that it can move all the way up and down, if not realign it, and check it is the exact same,(bendy rod is the length of a yellow rod.)

Step 4: STEP 4:

Simply fit the other side, and you are done.

These mag is non-preloadable, but you could easily make it preloadable, with a bit of modding.

This was a short instructable, but I think that it was actually quite useful, because rather than showing you how to build a gun, I showed you a part of it, letting yourself be a little more imaginative.

Last photo, will tell you how to place the bands