Introduction: K'NEX Paper Football Launcher!

Hey Guys! Welcome to my tutorial on how to make a paper football launcher out of K'NEX! In this tutorial, I will show you how to make the launcher, how to fold a paper football (if you don't know how to), and how to make a field goal along with it. Let's get started!

Step 1: The Materials

For the Launcher, you will need:


  • 7 red
  • 7 orange
  • 2 green
  • 2 yellow
  • 1 grey
  • 1 light grey


  • 10 Blue
  • 6 white
  • 2 green
  • 2 yellow


  • 1 rubber band

For the field goal, you will need:


  • 10 orange
  • 2 yellow
  • 1 blue
  • 1 purple


  • 10 blue
  • 4 red
  • 2 yellow
  • 1 white

For a paper football, you will need just a piece of paper

Step 2: The Launcher

Click on the notes to find out what to do.

Step 3: The Football

Click on the notes to find out what to do.

Step 4: The Field Goal

Click on the notes to see what to do

Step 5: How to Use the Launcher

  1. Lift up the kicker and hold the launcher in your palm at the same time. This might take a little effort.
  2. Use your other hand to load the football into the front slot.
  3. Slide your index finger into the bottom to secure it in place.
  4. Slip your finger off the kicker to launch the football.

Step 6: Finally...

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