Introduction: K'NEX Phone Case

About: Hello! I'm Nerfrocketeer, also known as Nefrock', Nerf, or NK. I am an avid fan of Nerf wars, engineering, and animal activism (but no I don't go overboard). Thank you for A MILLION views (woah!) and making me…
This Instructable will show you how to make a cell phone case out of K'NEX! This case fits any rectangular device, such as an HTC EVO, IPHONE 4/5S, and DROID. It might also fit Samsung Galaxy, but I haven't tested that yet...

Step 1: Partz

You will need: 6 blue connectors, 8 red connectors, 21 white rods, 8 green rods, and 2 blue rods.

Step 2: Base

Build the base, which is shown here.

Step 3: White Rods

Add vertical white rods in the above positions.

Step 4: Top

Add the red connectors and blue rods where shown.

Step 5: Done!!!

Congratulations!!! You now have a K'NEX phone case!!! Insert your phone and enjoy!!!

Step 6: NOTE:

THIS INSTRUCTABLE IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY PHONE COMPANIES. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. Also, this case is really just for fun. It obviously will not fit in a pocket... BUT, I will make Instructables in the future that will branch off from this case. I.e. tripods, bike mounts, and car mounts...-all out of K'NEX. So subscribe now!!! Thanks for viewing!!!