Introduction: KNEX Uz90

About: 13 years old, Born in and still living in ********, 9th grader at *HH (******** middle school), A+ student, get along with every1 realy exept for all the loosers in my school all my jock friends a smart as wel…
basicley its a crossbetween a FN P90 , UZI ok . Its not supposed to loook like a p90 of uzi its a cross so get it in ya brain i just made it myself becaause every1s p90 on utube SUCKED LOL
seriously so i HOPE U LIKE IT

Step 1: Front/ Barrel

thought his up aswell

Step 2: Push Ram

hehe its big to u get power and with it big you get a bit more speed

Step 3: Down the Gun

Step 4:

Hope you like the gun and i hope u post comments thx for looking at it if you want to know anything i will be glad to answer