Introduction: KP Solowheel

Hellou, all! 
as a hiker, I found that my backpack, as day passed, become heavier and heavier. And also another point - i like to spend not only one day on top, I want to overnight and wait sunset as well  Summary, I have to carry about 15 to 20 kg, and well, it is difficult.
Then come to me a spark!
Hey, what if I take a wheel and split weight?
I collect all info about such idea and made a triangle from bamboo sticks,(natural material) insert a wheel and start to test.
It was perfect regarding weight, maneuverability, dissembling, perfect strong for 15 kg weight and extreme cheap. But. 

On rocks he bounced. When you come in rhythmical walk, weight start to bounce. Bamboo was to lissome/willowy. 

Back to paper and  here follows the construction of my KP solowheel II carriage, for hiking purposes. 

Step 1: KP Solowheel II

Idea was to not carry a normal backpack (cca 2kg empty) on such carriage ... KP solowheel carriage has to be backpack itself as well. It has to be made from wood and in a form which I like. Volume about 50 liters net, upgrade to 80 l.  
First i took a cheap construction board, and cut this to make a mold. I want to have a box made from linear glued beech veneer. Veneer shall be 1.5- 2 mm thick  in tapes 130 x 1000 mm in three layers, unidirectional rings to get proper strength. So I made a mold for bending veneer. To make sides of my boxes.

Step 2: KP Solowheel II

I insert in mold a iron tubes to accommodate fasteners better. PVC glue is applied on each side of veneer. I use pick tape to temporally set veneer in a three layers, watching to turn  veneer side opposite to each other because of bending. Then using a wood board as a base, start to pres veneer, bending it in form.

Step 3: KP Solowheel II

I also needed straight elements for sides and connection elements, so I took three veneers and glued them together. Sanding after gluing was also necessary.  Then I cut out joints using electric small saw and old fashion tinny hand saw. Gluing parts together was successful. 

Step 4: KP Solowheel II

On joints I use as reinforcement tooth sticks and barbecue sticks custom made from bamboo as wooden nails. Each was pressed in drilled hole filled with glue.  Also on long joints i made a wooden wedge diagonally. Of course, also glued. To determine form of bottom on upper and lower part, simply  put glued sides on a plywood  and draw the lines with over +/-5 mm.

Step 5: KP Solowheel II

As time go, i start to assemble my idea. Holes for wheel and how it shall look like. Wooden nails made from bamboo barbecue sticks. Bottom cut out and glued on sides and nailed with wooden nails.  Parts together and then I use piano hinge to connect upper and lower part-box together, which allow carriage to be fold  to have possibility for chair  function as well. Folded completely allow me to carry this solo wheel carrier on a back as a normal backpack, --- only in extreme situations. Which shall never occur. I hope. Then I reinforce the hands ... and  voila.  KP solowheel was merged up.

Step 6: KP Solowheel II

I found later on,  that some reinforcements has to be made , specially on the curved wedges of lower box, so I ad two strip veneer on each side. On the end I add a seat for chair when KP solowheel shell be folded on half. Also reinforcement are made on the wheel fork -- for every case. 

Step 7: KP Solowheel II

I put a rope with gum around the sides on bottom part to serve as hook points and also the same hooks on the gum-rope to fasten all things under KP  solowheel cover.  Then I take a pictures of a KP solowheel carriage with rain cover on.

Step 8: KP Solowheel II

Plenty, after testing and trying and use in different situations, remakes-rectifying adjustments are made. Not shown on this pictures.
Now I use a plastic, air-tube  14" wheel, made for children bicycle. It is good to reduce bouncing and climb up and down over bigger rocks.
I have a strong belt over my hips, and on each side he have a simple hinge, to accommodate both KP solowheel hands, It is easy to clip it in and out this hands and free yourself from carriage. You can invent your way to do this. 
Well. I have now my solowhell and I took him on my few days hiking days. I can put about 60 liters of equipment. It can easy carry 10 liter of water.  For 6 days trip all load was about 26 kg.  60-70% on wheel. It make difference.

This suit for me.  

Krešimir Pregernik

Step 9: Hiking Pole

I took a bamboo stick about 25mm dia and scrap all outside enamel layer and rounded knots.  Then took a burner and made carbon mosaic on stick.  After I put on parquet lack in red color.  Top was made from walnut, - under I add a sponge to protect hand from constant bouncing/hitting.  A walnut handle is made from two pcs glued around bamboo stick  and filed to convenient  form. On bottom is adequate aluminium tube, with inserted steel pin. Enclosed *.pdf  is a sketch about dimensions of my pole (which is also a central pole in my KP tent)
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