Introduction: Kindle EBook Reader Stand, Cheap and Portable
This instructable explains how to make a dirt cheap and portable Kindle stand.
chopstick (1)
small binder clip (1)
business card (1, optional)
Clip the binder clip onto the lower right or left side of your Kindle. If desired, use the business card to protect the Kindle from scratches by placing it between the clip and Kindle.
Slide the chopstick through the clip handle holes and lean your kindle upon the chopstick. The pressure from the Kindle should prevent the chopstick from sliding.
chopstick (1)
small binder clip (1)
business card (1, optional)
Clip the binder clip onto the lower right or left side of your Kindle. If desired, use the business card to protect the Kindle from scratches by placing it between the clip and Kindle.
Slide the chopstick through the clip handle holes and lean your kindle upon the chopstick. The pressure from the Kindle should prevent the chopstick from sliding.