Introduction: Knex 12 Round Gun V2

About: I build things with knex. Mostly Guns I mostly Review other people’s guns if you want me to review yours send me a message.
This is V2 of my 12 round gun. IT shoots 2 at a time has 2 mags and 2 barrels. I will be giving you instructions for it.

Step 1: Barrel Pt 1

Follow pics.
Pic 1 and 2 make this
Pic 3 add
Pic 4 add
Pic 5 and 6 make and put it on.
Set this aside for now.

Step 2: Handle

Make this

Step 3: Add Handle to Gun

Follow pics

Step 4: Barrel Pt 2

Pic 1and2and3 Make this and put it on
4 and 5 Make this and put it on

Step 5: Finishing Up

Add these on

Step 6: Make These

Make these

Step 7: Done

I will post yours here —>