Introduction: Knex Ball Run and Lift Instructions

About: Hi! i make stuff
Hi guys!! i got a comment saying post this so...... here it is!!=D

Step 1: Piece Count

Green: 39
White: 22
Blue: 29
Yellow: 10
Red: 7
Grey: 2
Flexi Grey: 6

1 Joint: 4
2 Joint (Straight): 5
2 Joint (Corner): 5
3 Joint: 13
4 Joint and slot: 28
5 Joint: 15
7 Joint and slot: 15
8 Joint: 7

Silver Spacers: 9
Blue Spacers: 8
Medium Cog: 4
Small Triangular Panel: 6
Chain Links: 30
Ball: 1

Step 2: Ball Lift

This is building the lift

Step 3: The Run

This is making the run

Step 4: Finishing Off

Final Step!!=D