Introduction: K'nex Chair

furniture made out of k'nex has always fascinated me, that's what motivated me to make this chair out of k'nex.

So let's get to business:
1: it can hold people up to a 100 kilogram (and maybe even more, but I haven't tried).
2: I think it sits quite comfortable.
3: It looks nice.
4: As you see in the second picture it's got quite normal distance proportions.
5: It's durable because if it breaks you can fix it easily, but you can't with a normal chair.

1: Sometimes the connectors on the rear end snap out, it has no consequences though.
2: the back is not incredibly strong, you can't lend back with too much force.

PS: zorry vor bed englisch, i vrom holland.

Parts list:
green rod: 159
white rod: 303
blue rod: 362
yellow rod: 262
red rod: 15
gray rod: 2

dark grey connector: 16
light grey connector: 0
orange connector: 8
red connector: 23
green connector: 5
yellow connector: 68
white connector: 80
purple connector: 258
blue connector: 172
tan connectors: 0
y-connectors: 0

TOTAL: 1733

Step 1: The First Leg

in this step you'll make the first leg,
it might seem the same as all the other legs but there are a few differences, you'll need to follow all the steps about the legs.

Step 2: The Second Leg

the second leg isn't different from the first leg except for one thing: the blue connecters in the third stage of the leg is on the other side as shown in the picture.

Step 3: The Third and Fourth Legs

the third and fourth legs are slightly different from the first two but they are exactly the same as each other.

Step 4: Assembly

In this step you'll assamble the legs.

Step 5: Making the Support

this is the support for the back of the chair.

Step 6: More Support

make these parts for more support

Step 7: Even More Support

follow the pictures and notes to make this.

Step 8: The Rear End

this is the rear end, look in the pictures how to attach it.

Step 9: Assembly 2

Step 10: The Rear End Part 2

make this part

Step 11: The Back of the Chair

this might be the most difficult step, pay attention to the pictures

Step 12: Assembly 3

here you see how to assemble the back and rear end part 2

Step 13: Fin

you're done, I hope the steps weren't to difficult.
have fun with your chair and thanks for reading

Mr Muggle