Introduction: K'nex Cubic Cube

Welcome to the World of K'nex, a colorful construction toy. Here we will make three cubes inside each other, spinning in different directions, held by two rods and working with twenty gears. When built you can spin the boxes in any directions, and you can spin one, two or three boxes at once.

* Pieces are considered pieces themselves.

* Parts are considered pieces connected to each other.

* While building it helps to also click on the images to enlarge them.

* Click on the images if you would like a count of the current required pieces.

! Don't let anyone choke on any of these small pieces. !

Step 1: Set-Up


Gear - (Wheels)

  • 4 Big Yellow
  • 7 Medium Yellow
  • 5 Medium Red
  • 2 Small Pin Brown
  • 2 Small Pin Light Blue

Connectors - (ID Color)(Most to Least Sides)

  • 19 White - 8 Sides
  • 15 Blue - 7 1/2 Sides
  • 12 Yellow - 5 Sides
  • 139 Purple - 4 1/2 Sides
  • 14 Red - 3 Sides
  • 14 Orange/White/Gray - 2 Sides
  • 25 Sandy - 1 Side Pin
  • 15 Gray - 1 Side
  • 14 Shiny Blue - 1 Side Non-pins
  • 8 Orange - 1 Side Push-ins

Rods - (Sticks) (Shortest to Longest)

  • 8 Green
  • 22 White
  • 80 Blue
  • 27 Yellow
  • 94 Red
  • 42 Gray/Orange

Other Types - (Panels & Spacers)

  • 4 Medium Square Panels - Orange/Blue/Black/Silver
  • 41 Silver Tubings/Spacers
  • 31 Blue Tubings/Spacers

Step 2: The Stand Bottom

Make the 10 shown parts and connect six with red and orange rods like shown.

Step 3: The Stand Top

Built the next two shown pieces and connect them to the last four parts left from step one using more red and orange rods.

Step 4: The Stands Connection

Connect the top and bottom parts together like in the image.

Step 5: Box 1 Structure

Find all the required pieces and make the structure shown in the image.

Step 6: Box 1 Middle

Take the panel with two pieces and the 21-pieces part and add the such shown pieces.

Step 7: Box 1 Panels

Put the two structure parts together and then put on the panels.

*Make sure the sandy pins (on the tips) are inside and the yellow rod points out.

Step 8: Box 2 Structure Basic

Make 20 purple doubles.

Using those, make the starting of Box 2 with blue rods and white connectors.

Step 9: Box 2 Bits

Make the bits as they are shown and prepare them for the next step.

Step 10: Box 1-2

Take some of the box bits and build them the way they are shown.

Then put Box 1 into Box 2.

* Tighten pieces like the sandy pin connectors on the yellow rod in the directions that they are shown.

Step 11: Box 2 Red Gear

Connect the new blue and yellow rods.

Take the red gear/wheel on the red rod with two blue spacers and two sandy pin connectors.

Poke the short tip through the center of the chosen white connector and lock it on with the second sandy connector.

Step 12: Box 2 Brown Gear

Take the two bits containing the tiny brown gears and clip them by their side red connectors and orange connectors.

Step 13: Box 2 Yellow Gear

Clip on the other two bits and red rod along with the yellow gear.

Step 14: Box 3 Thin Stars

Make the next eight stars shown as three types.

Step 15: Box 3 Bottom Structure

Build the bottom edges and connect on the three chosen stars.

Step 16: Box 3 Tightening

Take and clip on four shiny blue connectors. Build and add the two small bits.

Step 17: Box 3 Sides

Build the four new bits and with also four stars connect them with the edges part.

Step 18: Box 3 Edge Tightenings

Take the shown pieces and clip them on and set the other few for the next step.

Step 19: Box 3 Brown Gear

Step 20: Box 3 Red Gear

Step 21: Box 3 Yellow Gear

Step 22: Box 3 Gear Edges

Step 23: Box 2-3 Assembly

Step 24: Box 3 Giant Gear

Step 25: Box 3 Strength

Step 26: Box 3 Giant Gear B

Make the gear rods and take the rod B to start.

Step 27: Box 3 Giant Gear A

Take rod A and build it like the last step.

Step 28: Box 3 Lid

Build the lid and add it on.

Step 29: Assembly

Build the spinning parts and then we start to put all parts together.

! Hold up the Box as you assemble... till the last step.

Step 30: Rod Assembly

Assemble onto the rods as shown.

Step 31: Last Step


No more steps.

You are done!