Introduction: K'nex Directional Mine Prototype Last Updated 09/10/2013
Still in the design phase my directional mine is capable of shooting up to 150 Micro Orange X-Rod Locks, 75 K'nex Blue Spacers, or 25 Standard Green Rods 50ft+. How you load it up or what you shoot is completely up to you. I will be posting up how to make the sling when I get more time and or when the design is further along. A few things I still have to work on is make retractable legs or some sort of retractable stand mechanism. I have spent most of my time getting it to shoot and function how I want it to so that hasn't been attempted as of yet. It uses 10+ size 64 rubber bands on the arms (I am currently using 12) and few more on the door catch and locking mech. Long story short it is a ton of fun to shoot and easy to reload. The only hard part is finding and picking up all of the pieces that you shoot. lol The firing mech can be hooked up to fishing line or sting to be tripped or it could be fired by pull cord either way works. The other idea was to use a K'nex remote to activate a motor to trigger the mine. I realize I am rambling but I am in a hurry lol Umm what else... I recommend you shoot either Micro Orange X-Rod Locks, blue spacers, green or white rods. realize the less you shoot at a time the faster and further it will shoot. Also realize that the fewer bands used will also play a significant part in the performance of your directional mine. I hope you like it have some fun and be safe! Be sure to post pictures and videos up as we continue to work on this project together in the future! I am excited to see how the final product will turn out!
Step 1: NEW! Easier to Trip "trigger" Mech Updated 08/19/2013
Highly improved trigger trip system just simply swap out the old and put in the NEW! Feel the difference. It is incredible how easy this mech is to set off!