Introduction: Knex FN FAL V.2

About: My name is iby, i like COD, Football,working out and chill in. Follow me on Insta- @ibyahmed7564
Hey guys this is my KNEX FN FAL V.2 . With out further a due let's look at the stats.

Shoots pretty far (60-80 ft)
Strong internals
Realistic sighs
Good looks
Sturdy stock
Comfortable handle
Comfortable foregrip

Kinda heavy
Requires a few cut peices (see picture six)
The handle should be in a lower position (due to lack of peices)
Very piece consuming (it used up all my green rods)


Step 1: The Body, Internals and Handle

This step is pretty simple

Step 2: The Magazine

Step 3: Extras

In this step you will add some extras