Introduction: Knex G36c (final One)

About: Hi im 15 and i love building with knex i am getting a lot better thanks to selezonia for posting all those instructables which gave me more ideas on how to build guns. my favorite gun is the g36c if you couldn…
Hey guys i know my last first knex guns sucked pretty badly but after building about 5 of selezonias guns i have had so many new ideas and now starting with my kf1p i will have a lot of better guns.

quite a good replica
shoots 40- 50 feet (depending on what types of rubberbands you have)
the gun is strong and doesnt bend
removable mag
unlike my other guns it shoots one bullet at a time

requires a couple of broken pieces
flimsy stock
i had to shave a bit of the ram off

Anyway thats all for the pros and cons but i am having trouble thinking of another gun to make after i post my p90 so throw out so please throw out some ideas

Step 1: Front Barrel and Rail

this is the front of the gun it shouldn't be hard so just follow the instructions

Step 2: Back Barrell and Body

this step wont be hard just follow the instructions

Step 3: Stock

this step is simple just make what i showed in the pics and follow the image notes

Step 4: Magazine

this step is simple follow the pics

Step 5: Mag Pusher and Ram Rod


Step 6: Assembly, Loading and Rubberbanding

assembly of the gun

Step 7: Done!

Your Done so go have fun!