Introduction: K'nex Gun With Mag, True Trigger and Sight Base.

My first instructable and this gun is my first sucsessful make. There is a sight base on the front so you can add your own sights althogh it might look better without and its innacurate so its up to you. The powe depends on your elastic band (multi tention fastener lol)

Peice count:

Yellow: 9
Red: 3
White Snowflake:4
Grey 2 connector: 2
Grey 1 connector: 5
Orange 2 connector: 8
Green: 4
Blue metalic connector: 3
Y connectors: 3

Blue rod: 3
White rod: 17
Green rod: 17
Grey Long rod:1

Large handle mag
True trigger
Looks pretty cool i guess...

Tell me!

Step 1: Handle

This is the handle/ mag make and put together :)

Step 2: Barrell and Other Stuff

Make these and add them too :D

Step 3: Support

Sorry i forgot these D:

Step 4: Sight Base and Grip

Make and add 8)

Step 5: Trigger

Make this and add ;)

Step 6: Grip (optional)

Step 7: Hammers and Rams

Forgot this yellow and red in the peice count

Yellow rod:1
Red connector: 1
There it is ^

Step 8: Elastics

you will need 3

Step 9: Loading and Firing

HOw to shoot stuff >:)