Introduction: Knex M4A1 V3

About: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that who ever believes in him shall not parish but have eternal life." …
Hey guys, I've been inactive for a while now and here's what I've been doing. I took the body of my RSASS and converted it into this. The gun is great to just have fun with it and shoot around. I didn't post my last version of my M4 solely because I planned to make it better like this one. I don't know what else to say but the pros and cons:
*I give credit for the handle to beanieostrich*

Looks Good (In My Opinion)
Decent Range (45-55ish feet)
Internal mag pusher
Ease of use
Structurally built well
Realistic (In My Opinion)

No Cons but one thing, it uses cut parts for the trigger mech.
*And yes I know the mag isn't that curved compared to the picture, but I was going for a slightly curved M4 Mag*

If you want to see the RSASS go here.


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