Introduction: Knex Pistol

About: Typical deadmau5-inspired electronic music artist. Not doing anything good at the moment, mainly experimental crap and Sytrus fuckery.
I was throwing random k'nex pieces together when I made something that looked kind of like a body for a gun, and then I had a pistol. Now about the pro's and con's...

Looks good
True Trigger
Comfy handle

Single shot
Not good for long range shots (Shoot 25-35 ft.)

Step 1: The Body

This is the hardest step, but it's pretty easy. Just follow pics and READ ALL IMAGE NOTES or your gun won't work.

Step 2: Trigger

This piece is necessary to the gun. Once again, READ ALL IMAGE NOTES!

Step 3: Panels

You're almost done. Just add on these panles and read all the image notes.

Step 4: Ramrod and Rubber Bands