Introduction: K'nex Spread Shot
Hey guys, this is my mini spread shot. I called it a shot because it only holds one shot, and also because i couldn't think of a better name. It's basically a small box filled with green rods, with a ram on one side to shoot 'em all out. When i made this, I was trying to make a grenade of some sort, but it turned into this. I imagine it could be placed on the side of a gun, in case someone catches you while you're reloading or something. I also thought of turning it into a shotgun shell, but that's kinda far-fetched. You can probably make it from this picture, but the directions might make it easier.
It's pretty small :P
very low on pieces.
shoots in a spread
doesn't jam i guess...<_<
Extremely simple.
Only holds 1 shot :
pretty bad reload time
ammo falls out if you tilt it forward
It's pretty small :P
very low on pieces.
shoots in a spread
doesn't jam i guess...<_<
Extremely simple.
Only holds 1 shot :
pretty bad reload time
ammo falls out if you tilt it forward
Step 1: Body
The main body of the gun. Ammo, ram, and rubber band attach onto this.
Step 2: Trigger :|
This trigger is what locks the ram in place, and then lets it go.
Step 3: Ram :\
The ram is what shoots the green rods out.
Step 4: Putting It All Together :o
This is where you put all the stuff together. Fun.
Step 5: Rubber Band Placement :O
This is where you put the rubber band, which powers the ram.
Step 6: Loading and Firing :D
Okay, so here we are going to load and fire the gun. After wrapping the rubber bands around the gun, put green rods in the front. Pull the trigger to fire.
Step 7: You're Done!
You're done with this. Now, go and make it into something useful! Give me credit if it is actually pretty good! If it's not, say it was your idea and i will laugh at your misfortune. Alright. You're done now. You don't need to read this. Bye.