Introduction: Knex TZKAR-18

About: Hi. I've sold off about 99% of my k'nex, but I still come here to check in on instructables, every 2 weeks or so. I like seeing what's new in the k'nex, and also other sections. I may or may not post my K'nex…
I finally got around to making a ZKAR for the first time. It was an amazing gun when it had the mag and bolt action, except when the ammo would end up too far from the pin to hit it. So I found my TR-18 turret from the TR-18 I had a while ago and put it on the ZKAR. It also has a wheel that allows the turret to wind up similar to the BR-8. And this gun can hold all 18 shots over a standard BR at the cost of a mutilated yellow connector. Now for some stats I suppose?

Good range = 35-55ft with 1 #64 band
Fast ROF

Mutilated part
Rarely will not shoot the ammo

Bakenbitz/GrandeSwag for the Swagboss front end
Zak for his ZKAR rifle base
TheRacker for the trigger mod