Introduction: Knex(or K'nex) Tiny Gun

About: i love knex. i now have 5 sets, 2 of which are the same, and over 1,000 pieces together in those 5 sets. i do not post instructables often.

this is my tiny knex gun. i dare viewers to find an instructable for a smaller knex gun.


this is what you need:


  • 5 orange two-slot
  • 1 light blue 1-slot
  • 1 purple 1-slot


  • 2 blue
  • 2 white


  • 1 long, thin rubber band

Step 1: Build the Gun

Step 2: Build the Firing Rod(super Easy)

Step 3: Add Band to Firing Rod and Attach to Gun.

pic 1: add rubber band like so.

pic 2: attach to gun as specified.

Step 4: Finish!!!

Step 5: Congrats!!!

Congratulations on your minor accomplishment. Here's a brownie!!