Introduction: Knot Guide

About: Alex Blechta is a young and enthusiastic graphic designer and photographer. Starting from such a young age he wants to learn and strive in his future dream of becoming a well-known graphic designer and or phot…
A few simple and popular knots to use; camping, surviving, boating, and surviving from zombies and many other uses.

I would like to thank Instructables for the Red Paracord that they provided me with from the Survivor Skills Challenge.  Check it out here Mine is the Deadfall.

Step 1: Bowline Knot

This knot is for making a loop, this loop will neither tighten nor loosen.

Step 2: Reef Knot (Square Knot)

This is a very popular knot, which can be used to secure a rope or line around an object or join two ropes together but this isn't the best option.

Step 3: Single Figure of Eight Knot

This knot is used create a loop in the rope. 

Step 4: Joining Ropes

If you're in the need to join two types of ropes together, this is the best way because it is tight and secure. 
Great Outdoors Contest

Participated in the
Great Outdoors Contest

Zombie Contest

Participated in the
Zombie Contest

Craft Contest

Participated in the
Craft Contest

Epilog Challenge V

Participated in the
Epilog Challenge V