Introduction: Kraken Jr. IoT App Tutorial Part 2 - Capturing Cid and Auth Code

Registering a new Controller in your Kraken Jr. App is easy. However it will require you a couple of steps to accomplish it.

Before Starting you need to download the following and make it ready.

Download Arduino IDE and install it.

Download the latest KJR Hex File and save it to your folder.

Download the Xloader zip file and extract it on the same folder where you extracted the KJR Hex File



Step 1: Prepare the Boards

Fix Arduino Uno + Ethernet Shield into one as shown

Step 2: Upload the Hex File

  • Connect the USB cable to the Arduino board and the other end to the LAPTOP/PC
  • Start the Xloader
  • Click the three dots to select the Hex File you downloaded
  • Select Uno(ATmega328)
  • Select the correct detected COM port
  • Leave the default Baud Rate
  • After verifying all settings are correct you can start the upload by clicking the Upload Button

Step 3: Enable Network Connection

After uploading the Hex File

Connect the Ethernet Shield to your Internet Modem or Switch using the LAN cable

Please Note! This whole process requires Internet connection.

Step 4: Capturing the CiD and Auth Code

After connecting your boards to the Internet

  1. Open now your Arduino IDE (don't run anything just do the next step)
  2. Select the Correct COM port
  3. Click the Serial Monitor
  4. And wait for the Serial Messages
  5. Once the CiD and Auth Code values shows this means that you have successfully connected to our server
  6. Next step is to Take Note of the CiD and Auth Code values, we will be using these to register it to our Kraken Jr. App

Continue to Tutorial Part 3 (Arduino Registration)