Introduction: Kraken Jr. IoT App Tutorial Part 3 - Arduino Registration

We are now almost done!

Last step of the three installment tutorials. The registration of the Arduino Board, this is where the stage we enable the board to be controlled by our Kraken App.


Same Requirement of the Kraken Jr. IoT App - Capturing Cid and Auth Code

Step 1: Start the App and Initiate Login

  1. Start the Kraken Jr. App
  2. Supply the correct Email and Pass Code
  3. Last step is to Tap Login

Step 2: Selecting the Basic IoT Menu

After successfully login In, you will land on the default News Feed activity

  1. Tap next the three lines on the top left corner
  2. Select the Basic IoT in the Menu

Step 3: After Selecting Basic IoT

Now you will land on the Stat Tab Activity

to continue with the Board Registration Tap the Config Tab

and Tap again Register Button

Step 4: Registering Cid and Auth Code

From our previous Tutorial we have captured the CiD and Auth Code of our Arduino Board

this information we will need to input on the Register Controller Activity

when your done with filling of information you can proceed by Tapping Update button

Step 5: Selecting the New Controller

After Tapping the Update button from the Register Controller activity you will be redirected to the Controller Activity.

From here you select the correct CiD that you have just registered then Tap Update

next Tap Success button

Step 6: Last Step! Verify the Connectivity of Your Board

Finally! we are Done! with the last step, this is just verification only of our board connections to our Kraken App

by going to our Stat Tab

the heartbeat delay will tell the connectivity health of your board to your App.

The lower the delay the healthier the connections, as a rule of thumb timer must reset to zero from time to time.

You can now start Remote Controlling your devices by Integrating Relay Switches on the Arduino PIN 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the OUTPUT Tab.

For Latest information you can join our Facebook Group @ Kraken Jr. IoT FB.

Thank You.