Introduction: LED PATTERN Making Using STM32F401CE

Today We are going to create a 3-led blinking pattern using stm32f401ce with HAL programming in STM32cubeIDE.


Material Required:

  1. STM32F401CE
  3. LED

Step 1: Create New File

To open new file :

File>>new>>STM32 Project.

After opening file, Choose your Board ,we are using STM32F401CE Board.

NEXT>> name your file.

Step 2: PIN Configuration & Clock Configuration

Goto to System core>> GPIO>> Choose PC13, PC14, PC15 to GPIO_OUTPUT.

For Clock Configration:

System Core >> RCC >> HCS>> Crystal/ceramic Clock.

And refer To provided image for setting clock.

Step 3: CODING

After configuring STM32 save yor file by CTRL+S,

and coding file will open. Write code as given in text file or write code as you want to make pattern of LED's.

Code explanation:

it’s controlling the state of three pins (13, 14, 15) on port C. The HAL_GPIO_WritePin function is used to set the state of a specific pin to either HIGH (1) or LOW (0). The HAL_Delay function is used to introduce a delay, in this case, 400 milliseconds.

The code is cycling through different combinations of states for the three pins, with a delay after each change. This could be used, for example, to control LEDs connected to these pins, making them blink in a specific pattern. The pattern here is a binary count from 0 (all pins LOW) to 7 (all pins HIGH), with each step lasting 400 milliseconds.

Step 4: DEBUG

After writing code Debug by clicking Hammer icon , Deguged file is created with Your project name and with .elf extension

Step 5: Uploding Code

Open STM32cubeProgrammer and connect your STM board (For detail refer to previous Blogs) ,

Open erasing and Programming option and enter your saved file path or browse it.

select option as shown in picture, Now click start automatic mode.


Step 6: Output Photo and Video