Introduction: LOVE MATCHING

Love Matching is a University Project made with Arduino Uno by Anna Berruezo and Mònica Font. What we wanted to do is a real time tinder where two people sit in front of each other and by asking them some questions, a Barbie and a Ken will get closer or get away depending on their answers.

If they match even if it's yes o no, they would get closer, if their answers are opposites the dolls would get away. The moment they finish the questions, the game ends. If you match is good, the dolls would be closer than if the match doesn't correspond.

Step 1: Electronic Materials Nedded

To make that possible we use:

- Arduino Uno Board : 20 €

- 2 medium 180-degree servo motors: 15,9 €

- 4 buttons (2 green, 2 red): 5,62 €

- Solderless Breadboard: 6,8 €

- Cables Dupont Jumpers for Breadboard: 3€

- 4 Resistors 220 ohms: 1€

- 2 Capacitor 1000uF 105C 10x20 R-5: 1,52 €

- 1 greenLED : 0,67€

Step 2: Other Materials Nedded

To make the assembly we use:

- 1 m^2 of wood: 15,57 €

- Barbie: 30 €

- Ken: 30 €

- Solicone gun: 10,20 €

- Nails; 1,59 €

- Cute sheets of paper to write the questions: 0,50€

Step 3: Questions to Ask

We write the questions in different papers so the users can read them at the same time and answer them. There are different versions of papers, with different shapes and colors.

Beach or mountain

Cat or dog

Fast food or good restaurant

Invisibility or flying powers

Travel to past or to future

Sex or food

Play or watch sport

Exotic site trips or classical capitals

Sing or dance

Blue or green

Sports car or 4x4

House or flat

Hotel or country house

Football or basketball

Public or private transport

In a company, boss or worker

Nap or party

Day or night

Sciences or letters

Movie or series

Individual or collective team sports

Up or down

Winter or summer

Marry in a church or in the beach

Have a kid or several kids

Travel with friends or partner

Go shopping or see a match

Relaxing trip or adventure trip

Massage or sauna

Sports with partner or alone

Reading or writting

Homecinema or cinema

Cook or eat

Pizza or pasta

Sweetheart or distant

Beach or swimming pool

Sky or surf

In favor or against abortion

Forgive an infidelity or not

Big or small tattoo

Night or day dates

Iphone or android

Nutella o nocilla

Do you like the person in front of you

In your home or mine

Step 4: Hardware Connection Map

Step 5:

Open Arduino and copy and paste the following cose into your program window. Press verify button and Upload to Board.Have fun!

Buttons and motors


//include servos 1 and 2

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo1; // create servo object to control a servo

Servo myservo2; // create servo object to control a servo

// variable to store the servo position2 that starts in 180

int pos = 20; // variable to store the servo position that starts in 0

int led = 4;

int brightness = 255;

const int buttonPingreen1 = 8; // the number of the pushbutton pin 7

const int buttonPinred1 = 7; // the number of the pushbutton pin 6

const int buttonPingreen2 = 6; // the number of the pushbutton pin 5

const int buttonPinred2 = 5; // the number of the pushbutton pin 4

int buttonStategreen1 = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status 0-no apretat

int buttonStatered1 = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status

int buttonStategreen2 = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status

int buttonStatered2 = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status

int status1 = 0, status2 = 0; //status per guardar si shan apretat 0-No ha apretat res 1-Ha apretat green 2-Ha apretat red

int times = 0;

void setup() {

myservo1.attach(10); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object myservo2.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 10 to the servo object

// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:

pinMode(buttonPingreen1, INPUT);

pinMode(buttonPinred1, INPUT);

pinMode(buttonPingreen2, INPUT);

pinMode(buttonPinred2, INPUT);


myservo1.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos' myservo2.write(160);

analogWrite(led, brightness);

pinMode (led, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

// read the state of the pushbutton value:

if (status1 == 0) { // if no button in user 1 is pressed wait for a button

buttonStategreen1 = digitalRead(buttonPingreen1);

buttonStatered1 = digitalRead(buttonPinred1);

if (buttonStategreen1 == LOW) // if user 1 presses button green status changes to green pressed


status1 = 1;

analogWrite(led, 0);

Serial.println("User 1 green");


if (buttonStatered1 == LOW) // if user 1 presses button red status changes to green presse


status1 = 2;

analogWrite(led, 0);

Serial.println("User 1 red");



if (status2 == 0) { // if no button in user 2 is pressed wait for a button

buttonStategreen2 = digitalRead(buttonPingreen2);

buttonStatered2 = digitalRead(buttonPinred2);

if (buttonStategreen2 == LOW) // if user 2 presses button green status changes to green pressed


status2 = 1;

analogWrite(led, 0);

Serial.println("User 2 green");


if (buttonStatered2 == LOW) // if user 2 presses button red status changes to green pressed


status2 = 2;

analogWrite(led, 0);

Serial.println("User 2 red");



if (status1 > 0 && status2 > 0) { // if user 1 and user 2 had pressed a button do that

Serial.println("2 apretats");

times = times + 1;

delay (1000);

// green1 i green2 o red 1 i red2

if ((status1 == status2)) // if user 1 and user 2 answers are the same


pos = pos + 14;

if (pos > 160) {

pos = 160;


// goes from pos to 0 in steps of 18º

myservo1.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos' myservo2.write(160 - pos);

} else {

// green 1 i red2 o red1 i green2

pos = pos - 14;

if (pos < 20) {

pos = 20;

} // goes from pos to 0 in steps of 18º

myservo1.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos' myservo2.write(160 - pos);


status1 = 0; // put the state buttons to no pressed again

status2 = 0;

analogWrite(led, brightness);


if (times == 10) {

delay (6000);

analogWrite(led, 0);

myservo1.write(20); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos' myservo2.write(160);

// wait for a second



Step 6: Prototyping

Step 7: Difficulties Found

One of the difficulties of this project is writing the code because if something is missing, it gets all the code wrong, for example a parenthesis, a coma or a claudator. In our case we started writing the code for the four buttons and the two servomotors. After many times trying to write it worked, except the first movement and the limits of the servomotor: the beginning 0º and the end 180º which started vibrating without sense. Also, we did not buy an Arduino plate so every time we wanted to write the code and check if it works, we had to go to the laboratory to take a plate and its cable. Apart, we did not weld the cables, so every time we had to mount and it can be easily wrong. In additon, at the beggining we want to put many things like a screen but time was thrown on us and every time we saw it more complicated.

Step 8: Attributions to Sources

One of the sources that we consulted most is the Arduino references, a page that gave us information about how to use each product, how to write its code and how to connect them.

Apart from that, the hour from “Aula Oberta” in Elisava help us because if any part did not work, we could make some questions at the teachers and they answered, helping us a lot. In addition, each class of “Usos Acadèmics en anglès 1” was still good for learning things that even did not know.

Step 9: ​Next Steps

A next step that we can include in our project is a screen which will show the different questions to ask to the users.

The next step we can include is a speaker. When the questions end up, the speaker will make one sound or another depending if the players have matched or not. If they match, the sound will be loving, but if they do not match, the sound will be ridiculous. Another possible step is introducing a blower with confetti inside. If they match, it would throw a confetti made of pink hearts, but if they do not match, it would throw another confetti in form of middle black heart simulating that there is no love.

The last difficulty of our project is that we needed to write the different questions somewhere so, we needed a screen. Using a screen requires having another Arduino plate because it has to be connected directly to it so we had to took two.