About: Retired Shop Teacher, Tool Collector, I like Cars, Guitars, Bikes and Electronics. I'd rather Recycle than buy Materials. Definitely Old-School Methods.

Even if you no longer listen to vinyl records, their covers are artistic, colourful and make a nice display on top of the piano or end table. This is an easy display rack for single or double LP’s.



2 pieces of wood 3.75 inches x 8 inches 

1 piece of quarter round-8 inches long.

felt stick-on furniture protectors

Brad nailer


paint or other finishing material

Step 1: Build It

The build is simple. Stack one of the 3.75” wide pieces on top of the other at the back edge and nail it.

(Note: I used a hardwood piece with a finished edge for the bottom. It was a scrap from an old table. Also pine for the back as it won’t be seen.)

Leave a 1,1/8 inch gap and nail the quarter round in place (Round side to the front.)

Your album should fit perfectly with just the right amount of lean.

Step 2: Finish It

Sand the entire piece well and apply your finish. I used a stone-effect bronze spray. It has texture and really hides any imperfections (especially the cut edge of the pine.) It is also an understated colour which doesn’t take away from the cover art.

Also I applied felt furniture protectors to the bottom to save the top of the piano.