Introduction: Laser Cut Face Shield V.2
Looking at the proposals for 3D like Prusa face shield, I perceived that its production is very limited due to manufacturing time. Thinking about it, I started to develop a face shield with few parts, with a unique and little expense of material, besides it can be manufactured by hand or in a laser cutting machine. This is the second version with no revits, greater face protection and easier to assemble.
For made this Face Shield V2, you need:
- Digital archives
- PETG plastic sheet between 0.5mm and 1mm
- Rubber band width 10mm and 173mm length less or more. (you can change this piece depending on what you have on hand)
- Scissor to cut a rubber band
Step 1: Download the Arquives and Cut
Cut the plastic sheet in a laser cutting machine. You can cut by hand too
Step 2: Remove the Protective Plastic
Remove the protective plastic from both sides of the three PTEG pieces. The most recommended is not to remove the plastic just before disinfecting and using it.
Step 3: Ensamble the Head Band With the Face Shield
Insert the headband through the hole in the face shield and adjust the tab. Do the same on the opposite side adjusting until the tab fits.
Step 4: Place the Bar at the Bottom
Bend the face shield and snap the tab on the opposite side.
Step 5: Put on the Rubber Band
Cut the rubber band, then, pass the band under the outermost hole, then
through the middle and again through the third hole. repeat the action with the other side of the face shield.
Step 6: Ajust the Rubber Band
Adjust the rubber band until you feel the face shield comfortable.