Introduction: Latex Alien Chestburster

This is a latex alien chestburster that was sculpted up with plasticine (teeth are cocktail sticks) then moulded in plaster. The mould is then filled to the brim with latex, left for around 3 hours and then the latex is poured out to leave a wet skin inside the mould. the latex dried and i removed it from the mould and there's your chestburster. To paint add a little bit of latex to any kind of paint, (acrylics would be the most common) to make the paint bond better to the chestburster To make the chestburster solid i bought cheap builders expanding foam which works great because it fills in every gap. I then got a piece of guttering, heated it and moulded it to the shape of my chest. Riveted a 'spike' of pipe for the chestburster to stick onto. Cut two slits in the moulded plastic and then used webbing strap and a bag clip to tighten it to my chest. Cut a slit in my t-shirt, sprayed a bit of bloody red and voila, there's an alien exploding from my chest! I also made a small chest wound that sits beneath the chestburster, just for the extra bit o' gore.
Halloween Contest

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Halloween Contest