Introduction: Edit Video on Blender in 5 Minutes

About: I build projects using arduino nano / esp32 / arduino micro and also arduino mkr1010

You need to edit a video but don't have any video editing software?
Why not try Blender ? It is free, and with a little practice really easy and powerful!

We are going to learn how to edit a video, we aren't going to go into too much details, but it should get you started!

  • First we will setup the interface for video editing
  • Then we will learn how to add a video strip
  • Afterwards, we are going to see how to cut and move a strip
  • Finally we will see how to render our movie

As always all the documentation is available on github in french/english :

Step 1: Setup the Interface

Let's setup blender interface.
Blender interface is really flexible but it can be hard to set it up, so we are going to download a ready-to-use session and make it the default session.

  • Download this file :
  • Click on minimal_vse.blend
  • Save the session as default : CTRL-U puis ENTER
  • When you restart blender, the interface will stay on Video Editing

Let's take a look at the interface.

  • At the top, We can see the video preview
  • At the bottom, We can see the sequence editor
  • At the right, We can see the properties of our project

Step 2: Add a Video Strip

Drag and Drop

To add a video or an audio strip, just drag and drop the file into the sequencer editor
Most audio/video files format will works.

Two strips will be created:

  • Cyan : Audio
  • Dark blue : Video


To play our video, we need to set the preview zone.
Only the strips inside the preview zone will be played.

  • ALT-A : Play the video
  • P : Set preview zone
  • Middle Click : Move the sequencer
  • Mouse Wheel : Zoom In/Out

Step 3: Move / Cut a Strip


To move a strip, you can either right click on it or press G.
The right click can also be use to resize the sequence (if you click on the border of the strip)

  • Right Click : Select a strip
  • G : Move the selected strip
  • B : Select multiple strip


To cut a strip, you need to place the green bar on the strip to cut, and press K .

  • Right Click : Select the strip
  • Left Click : Move the green bar
  • K : Cut the sequence

Step 4: Save Your Movie

Save your project

Before you render your video, save your project (File/Save As at the top).

You should save the .blend file in the same folder as the videos, so even if you move your files elsewhere, Blender will be able to find the videos.

Our video will be saved as an .avi file, Everything should be already setup correctly.

Set the duration

  • With the green bar move at the beginning / end of the movie
  • Take note of the start frame and the end frame (At the bottom)
  • Copy this value on the right in Frame Range (Start Frame/End Frame)

Render your video

  • On the left in Output, check the path where the video will be saved
  • Click on Animation
  • The video will be saved on c:\videos (by default)

Reset the sequencer

When the rendering start, the sequence editor will be replaced by a video player.
To put the sequence editor back, click on the icon at the Bottom Left with a picture icon and change it to Video Sequence Editor

Step 5: Keyboard Shortcuts

I hope this tutorial was useful!

Next time we will see how to

  • Create Group (Meta)
  • Add Text/Image/Video overlay
  • Modify a strip (color/position/size)

So don't forget to follow me for more tutorials!