Introduction: Leather Veneer Bracelet
this is my first instructions and my English is not so good. So I hope you understand what I mean.
I made bracelets that you see in the photo.
Step 1: What You Need:
- leather bracelet (you can also do it yourself)
- wood veneer
- cutter
- sandpaper
- stain
- paintbrushes
- fine liner
- varnish
- superglue
Step 2: Transfer, Cut and Stain
Transfer the contour of the bracelet (take the backs) on the wood veneer and cut it carefully with a cutter. The edges should be sanded. Then you can stain the veneer in color that you want. I like dark wood.
Step 3: Paint
When it is dry, you can paint on a pattern with a fine liner or a thin brush and wood stain (then you have to be very carefully!!!). I have decided on a musical notation.
Step 4: Finished
Then you painted the veneer with transparent varnish and glue it on the leather bracelet.
I made this bracelet for my best friend who sings in a choir. I hope you enjoy.