Introduction: Leg Shaving Tip
I Shave my legs EVERY time I'm in the shower ! yes even in the winter !. I thought this was the norm till I started talking with some friends apperently shaving is a pain when you have tots , hectic lives ect. Anyway I DONT use shaving cream , I do get smooth results every time (say good bye to razor burn ladies ), and it takes me 1.5 mins in the shower !!.
Step 1: Supplies
no less then 3+ Blades on whatever brand you want MENS razor (replaced when you start to feel dulling) $5+
a body loofah $0.97+
any shampoo ( I use the cheap stuff for my legs ;) $1
a body loofah $0.97+
any shampoo ( I use the cheap stuff for my legs ;) $1
Step 2: The Process
Quarter size cheap shampoo , scrub your legs with the poof untill you feel NO prickly action !!! and they are nice and soapy
(I no mine is anything but , but I was one handed here and not actually in the shower )
then and ONLY then , run the razor ankle to knee all the way round your leg !!
(I no mine is anything but , but I was one handed here and not actually in the shower )
then and ONLY then , run the razor ankle to knee all the way round your leg !!
Step 3: The Magic ??
all I can say is the loofah scrubbing removes the dead skin around each hair follicle and I scrub vigorously until my skin like relaxes , scrub till you have no goosebumps or prickling and voila!! Happy shaving