Introduction: Lego Apollo Spacecraft

About: I AM THE LOVER OF ALL LEGO SPACE SETS! Yes, I'll admit, I am sort of obsessed with spacey stuff. It runs in the family, I guess. My dad is a former NASA engineer. Anywho, if you would like to do me a favor... …

This is modeled after the Apollo 10 (or 11, I cannot remember) spacecraft that was used to put the first man on the moon.

Step 1: The Pieces!!!

So first, you have the log-like pieces (black and white ones). You'll need 2 or 3 black ones and 8 or 9 white ones.

Step 2: More Pieces!!!

Here you have the large missile head and the small missile head. These are probably the most important pieces but pretty hard to find. You'll need 5 small ones and 1 large one.

Step 3: Even More Pieces!!!!

Then there's this little pain... The first stage rocket. You'll need just one of these (thankfully). Then, you have the flat log piece. This is a little harder to find, but not terrible. You'll need 4 of these.

Step 4: One More Piece!!!!

OK, here's the last one... THE CLUB. this is probably the easiest to find. You'll need 1 of these

Step 5: Use Your Imagination!!

Use your imagination to put this together. This set is not very hard to put together at all.


Happy Building!

First Time Author Contest 2018

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First Time Author Contest 2018

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