Introduction: Lego Hand
During this period of sheltering in place I broke into my Lego again. As I was sifting through them I had an idea: what if I made a Lego hand? The idea came to me out of the blue but I thought that it was worth a shot. I went through multiple prototypes but none of them worked very well. I continued to make new variations when I realized how cool it would be to have a Lego attachment on my hand as a used Lego so I could attach pieces to it so as to avoid losing them. I built it as a left hand that would attach to the back of your left hand allowing you to have a steady not-in-the-way Lego plate on the back of your hand. You could attach Lego claws, a Lego gun, a Lego shield, or just stick random Lego on it.
- Ten (10) 2 by 6s
- Ten (10) 2 by 4s
- Five (5) 2 by 2s
- Five (5) 1 x 2 with horizontal clip on end
- Five (5) 1 x 2 with handle on end
- Five (5) 1 by 2s
- Five (5) 2 x 1 with horizontal clips
- Five (5) 2 x 1 side handle with closed ends
- Two (2) 2 x 1 with angled handles on the side
- Two (2) 4 by 4s
- Three to five (3-5) Technic Rubber Belt 33mm
If any of these pieces are unfamiliar to you check out Rebrickable
Step 1: Building the Fingers.
First collect the pieces:
Each finger has
2 2 by 6s
2 2 by 4s
1 2 by 2s
1 1 by 2s
1 1 x 2 with horizontal clip on end
1 2 x 1 with horizontal clip
1 2 x 1 side handle with closed ends
1 Technic Rubber Belt 33mm
Note, the color of the piece does not matter!
Then follow the pictures.
Step 2: Building the Palm
Collect the pieces:
- 1 2 x 1 with angled handles on the side
- 1 4 by 4
- 1 1 x 2 with handle on end
Again, color does not matter.
follow the pictures to build the palm
Step 3: Building the Hand.
To complete the hand, attach the fingers to the clips on the palm, then loop the rubber bands around the desired fingers and there you go. My design used five fingers but yours does not need to. You can mod this Instructable by using only three or four fingers but any fewer than three does not give you enough traction to attach it properly to your actual hand. When you're done you will have a little platform that fits over your hand but still allows you to work.