Introduction: Lego Ninja

Let's start making a Lego Ninja!

Step 1: Black Waist

Start with a 2x4 black Lego brick

Step 2: Red Foot

Add 2 2x2 red Lego bricks at the 2 edges of the brick

Step 3: Stomach and Arms

Now add 2 MORE 2x2 Red Lego bricks at the edge of the black brick and add a 2x2 black Lego in the middle

Step 4: Sword

now add a 3x1 Lego in the left red brick and Then add 2 white 1x1 Legos on top of each other in the middle of the 3x1 white Lego

Step 5: Head

add a 2x2 red Lego brick on top of the Black Lego then a yellow 2x2 Lego brick on top of the red one

Step 6: Blach Hat

Now add a 2x4 on top of the yellow one. Facing the opposite way of the sword then add a 2x2 on top of the other black one. Then there you GO! there is your Lego ninja. I will try In the future to add more weapons. Hope you enjoyed! BYE!