Introduction: Lego Santa

My 8 year old Son and I were looking at the cool lego projects on instructables and noticed there wasn't one for making a Santa.  We decided we could add one. 

We gathered our legos - just a box of many different kits and a starter pack.  We decided to make a standing santa (3D) instead of a flat one - this took more legos.

Materials needed:
Segregate all of the RED, WHITE & BLACK pieces
Decide the color of Santa's skin and pulls some pieces out with that color (we made him yellow!)
We had a set of eyes in our lego set so we used those for eyes

Use a few black square legos for the boots, added a white square and then a couple of red squres
use a layer of white legos to connect the legs and form the bottom of the shirt
use a layer of red legos to make the shirt
layer of black with a yellow piece in the middle for the belt buckle
surround the buckle with black and then above as well
use layers of red for the rest of theshirt and have a red thing piece hang off the top for the arms to be created
the beard and head used white and yellow with a layer of black for his mouth (in between the white)
the hat was the the topper -layers of white legos and then red on top with a piece hanging off the side to signify the hat falling over

Now you too can have a lego santa to decorate your home with!