Introduction: Lentil Curry

About: Mom, wife, traveler, baker, jewelry maker...and so much more!

Everyone in my family loves lentil dishes. Good for them that I love to cook them! Lately we've leaned away from the traditional recipes (but just for a while) and eat a lot of Orient-flavoured lentil meals. Here's a recipe of really great lentil curry that even the kids love (I just tune down on the ginger for them).


- 2 tbsp of coconut oil

- 1 tbsp of ground cumin

- 1 tbsp of coriander seeds

- 10 - 12 cloves of garlic

- 500 g of canned tomatos

- 2 tbsp of finely chopped ginger

- 1 tbsp of turmeric

- 2 tsp of salt

- 250 g of brown lentils

- 1600 ml of water

- 200 ml of coconut milk

Step 1: Prep the Base

1. Heat the coconut oil over medium heat.

2. Fry the cumin and the coriander seeds until nicely brown.

3. Pass the garlic through a garlic press and let it get nicely brown in the oil as well.

Step 2: Just Before You Add the Lentils and Cooking the Lentils

1. First, add the canned tomatos, then the ginger, turmeric and salt and let it simmer for 5 minutes.

2. Add the lentils and water.

3. Turn down the heat and put a lid on the pot. Let the lentils cook over low heat until they are soft.

4. Mix in the coconut milk and let it simmer for another 5 minutes.

Step 3: Stewed Rice

This is a perfect side dish to the lentil curry.

1. Put some oil on a pan and when it's hot, fry the rice until it changes color a bit (different shade of white, not brown!).

2. Add water, it should be about 2 cm above the rice. Salt and cover pan with a lid.

3. Cook for 15 minutes, remove lid and cook another 5 minutes, the water should have evaporated by now.

4. Serve both curry and rice hot.

Step 4:

Meat Free Meal Challenge

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Meat Free Meal Challenge