Introduction: Leopard (Rawr!) Picture Frame

Do you want to create a fierce picture frame? Maybe you want to give the special lady in your life a meaningful gift without breaking the bank for Valentine's Day? Whatever your reasoning, follow the steps in this tutorial and you will have your own frame in no time! Rawr.

Step 1: Gather Supplies

You will need the following items:

  • One roll of leopard Duck Tape. This can be purchased at Walmart or Walgreens.
  • Invisible tape
  • A pair of sharp scissors
  • Enough cardboard for two 16' strips and two 22' strips. All four strips should be 2' wide.
    • Note: I am building a frame for an 8'x11' picture. Tweak the measurements for the size of your picture.
  • A wire handle from an old bucket.
    • Or: A bendable wire hanger

Step 2: Cutting 16' Strips

  • Measure 16' of cardboard using a ruler. If you have no ruler, measure the cardboard by placing it against the 8' side of your picture and doubling the inches to 16 by moving the picture 8 more inches to add the necessary length to the strip.
  • With a marker or writing utensil, mark the 16' so you know where to stop cutting.
  • Put the cardboard in your hand and start cutting the strip until you have reached your 16' marker. Ensure that the strip is NOT wider than 2 inches. Repeat once more.

Step 3: Cutting 22' Strips

  • Measure 22' of cardboard using a ruler. If you have no ruler, measure the cardboard by placing it against the 11' side of your picture and doubling the inches to 22 by moving the picture 11' more inches to add length to the strip.
  • With a marker or writing utensil, mark the 22' so you know where to stop cutting.
  • Put the cardboard in your hand and start cutting the strip until you have reached your 22' marker. Ensure that the strip is NOT wider than 2 inches. Repeat once more.
  • You should now have four total strips.

Note: If you run out of cardboard before reaching 11 inches, simply cut an additional strip and attach ( using invisible tape first, we will get to the Leopard tape attachments later) it to the strip that needs to total 11 inches.

Step 4: Taping the Strips

  • Choose 1 of the 2 16' strips and set the remaining 3 strips aside.
  • Unwrap the Duck Tape and peel off enough tape to cover one side of the strip.
  • Apply that piece of tape to one side of the strip.
  • Fold over any tape that is hanging off the sides of the strip.
  • Flip the strip over to apply the Leopard Duck Tape to the other side of the strip.Both sides of the strip should now be covered in the Leopard pattern.
  • Fold the strip in half around the 8' side.
  • Repeat these 5 bullets for 1 of the 2 22 inch strips.
  • Repeat these 5 bullets for the last 16 inch strip.
  • Finally, repeat these 5 bullets for the last strip.

Step 5: Making the Frame

  • Now that you have the four pieces of your frame, they should be positioned to the sides of your picture that correspond to their length. For example, the two 16 inch strips should be folded over the sides of your picture that are 8 inches. The two 22 inch strips should be folded over the sides of your picture that are 11 inches.
  • Cut a 4-6 inch piece of Leopard tape.
  • Apply it to the ENDS of one strip.
  • Cut another 4-6 inch piece of tap and insert one side of the adjacent strip into the fold of the strip whose edges you just taped together.
  • Repeat bullets 2 through 4 until all the sides on the front of the frame are tucked into a fold.
  • Secure the inner corners of the front side of the frame ( where the strips meet) using the invisible tape.

Step 6: Securing the Back of the Frame

  • Carefully flip the frame over to the backside.
  • Cut a 4-6 inch piece of Leopard Duck Tape.
  • Tape down the end of a strip. Note: If the tape needs to be folded onto the front of the frame, that is okay.
  • Repeat bullets 2 and 3 until all the strips on the back of the frame are taped down and secure.
  • Using the invisible tape, tape the 4 inner corners of the backside of the frame for added security. I suggest 2-3 pieces of invisible tape per corner.

Step 7: Cover Any Gaps in the Frame

Follow these steps if your frame has gaps or spaces where the cardboard needs to be sealed together. If you do not need to seal your frame, proceed to the next step.

  • Using your own judgement, cut enough leopard tape to cover the gap in your frame.
  • Apply the tape and smooth it over the gap.
  • Repeat bullets 1 and 2 until all gaps and spaces are covered.

Step 8: Attach the Handle

  • On the backside of the frame, position your wire handle ( or hanger) where you think it fits best.
  • Cut a 2-3 inch piece of Leopard tape.
  • Cut that piece of tape into two halves and apply both pieces to one end of the handle to form an X shape over it.
  • Repeat bullets 2 and 3 for the other sides of the handle.
  • For added security, repeat steps 2 through 4 again.
  • Now that the handle is secure, cut enough tape to decorate the part of the handle where you carry/hang the frame.

Step 9: The Finished Product

Your frame is ready to roar (or hang fiercely on the wall)!