Introduction: Let Bottle Caps Describe Keys of Life
- Few months ago I saw a image on Instagram which was quite inspirational for me, and describe good life in words from that image i have taken some idea and created something good.As i have mentioned bottle caps so get ready to drink lots of colourful cold drinks and collect their caps.
- plastic bottle caps.
- Scissors.
- White paper.
- Water colours(optional).
- Black sketch or marker.
Step 1: Colour
Take caps,if you have same coloured caps.So,you can color them.As colourful thing look more attractive and good.Personally, I want my everything to be colourful except cloths.
Note: You should take same size of caps if possible.
Step 2: Cutting
Cut strips of white paper according how big your caps are.
Step 3: Paste
Paste these white strips on the cap.
Step 4: Giving Titles
Write one motivational or good words or words which describe life on the white strips.Like- Be you,trust,joy,hapiness etc.