Introduction: Light Control Brush Robot

About: please visit my youtube channel Technoreview85 for more DIY project.I make new project regularly link--
we know brush robot making is very easy so I make some thing different with brush robot.

You can control robot using light ( torch or any other light source )

This is video link of project

Step 1: You Need to Make

A brush

DC motor

nut ,connector

bread board

2x 1k resistor

Transistor BD 139



some wire

Step 2: Mechanical Part

Stick a bread board on brush & also fit motor & switch on it with hot glue

I use a nut and connector on motor shaft to make vibration

You can watch video or picture

click here to watch video

Step 3: Electronic Part

I make a small light controller circuit on bread board you can see in picture

connect battery (I use old mobile phone battery for lite weight )

you can use li-po battery or any battery up to 6v.

Step 4: Decoration & Test

now test all connections and decorate it some funny look.

test it with light & enjoy ..............


Video link

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