Introduction: Lighted Wall Organizer/Bookshelf
This was a very fun project that took me about two hours. I enjoyed adding the lights and the finished product was very satisfying. I created it because I needed somewhere to put books after reading, as well as other things such as my headphones and iPod. This is a very sturdy shelf and could probably hold at least 10 pounds. I hope you enjoy this project, and put any questions or comments below.
Step 1: Tools and Materials
You will need:
- Scissors or craft knife
- Hot glue gun
- Optional: tape
- Cardboard
- Hot glue sticks
- 3-4 LED's
- Some wire
Step 2: Dimensions of the Cardboard Pieces
- 10" x 11"
- 3- 2" x 3"
- 2- 1"x 2"
- 2" x 10"
- 1" x 10"
(Some other pieces depend on how it turns out, or your specifications)
Step 3: Gluing
Using the hot glue gun, glue each part according to the photos. The 11" x 12" is the base of the book case. You can freely design any part, and the lighting is optional. I will later paint the cardboard for a better effect.
Step 4: Wiring
With one of the 10" long strips cut three holes to fit the LEDs. You can wire them to a battery pack, or I hooked them up to a 12 volt DC adapter. Optional: I added a book light that swivels from the side, I used a brass fastener, and added some housing for the LEDs, then wired it with the rest of the circuit. You can add a switch if needed. (You probably should)
Step 5: Finish Assembly
You can attach it to the wall using tape, or screws, the masking tape I temporarily used held up fine. I added below the supports a headphone holder and small container for extra things, extra space can be utilized up top, I left it blank for a more minimalist look.
Step 6: Conclusion
This was a very enjoyable project, and though I had to troubleshoot some (internally damaged wire), it was fun all the same. I hope you enjoyed, thank you for viewing my project!