Introduction: Loop Pendant

This is a delicate pendant - beaded with Miyuki Delica beads and decorated with a crystal.


What you will need:

  • 2 colors Miyuki Delica beads 10/0
  • One beading needle
  • Scissors
  • Pliers
  • Tweezers
  • 0.16mm fishing line
  • 2 clasps
  • small piece of silver chain
  • silver chain
  • One crystal pendant of your choice

Step 1: Choose the Beads

Choose your color pair and cut app. and thread your needle with app 150 cm of your thread.

Step 2: First Line of Beads

Secure the first bead and thread 14 bead as shown.

Step 3: Second Row

Stitch back into the 4th bead of your first row and continue with a peyote stitch.

The complete pendant is based on a peyote stitch - in this case it is a diagonal peyote.

Step 4: Complete One Side

Continue the diagonal peyote until you reach the desired lenght - you shoud have minimum 12 beads on the outer side, so you can twist it. The more you have, the bigger the pendant.

Step 5: Add an Extra Row

At the end of the first side, add an extra, regular row to start the second side.

Step 6: Finish the Second Side

Use the diagonal peyote to finish the second side.

Step 7: Hanger

The hanger for the chain is a little barrel

Step 8: Create the Barrel

For this size of the pendant you will need 10 beads and 16 rows for the barrel.

Step 9: Stitch the Barrel Together

Stitch the last row together with the first row.

Step 10: Connect the Loop With the Barrell

Attach the hanger to the loop

Step 11: Assemble the Pendant

Attache the remaining items to the loop

Jewelry Challenge

Second Prize in the
Jewelry Challenge